Solar Charger add-on

Welcome to Chair-Pak Concept Corner.
This is where we share details about potential product ideas expanding Chair-Pak’s usefulness outdoors. Our goal is to get valued feedback from you through comments. The more positive the feedback along with the number followers we have, the best chance the add-on gets to make it into our production cycle and finally available to you.
We are looking for 50+ followers (emails) per add-on to move forward with that feature. Once we achieve this goal we will finish the work needed to get that Chair-Pak add-on to you and on the market.
Putting your name on our lists guarantees progress updates, also you will be the first to know when the add-on is available for purchase as there will be a limited amount produced and may go fast.
Thank you for your participation.
All Chair-Pak products & concepts are patented or patent pending worldwide.